- enjoyment
- користування (майном)
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
enjoyment — en·joy·ment n: personal benefit, use, or possession (as of rights or property) widows and widowers were relegated to lifetime enjoyment of the marital estates W. M. McGovern, Jr. et al.; specif: the receipt of the fruits or profits of property… … Law dictionary
Enjoyment — En*joy ment, n. 1. The condition of enjoying anything; pleasure or satisfaction, as in the possession or occupancy of anything; possession and use; as, the enjoyment of an estate. [1913 Webster] 2. That which gives pleasure or keen satisfaction.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
enjoyment — [n1] delight in something amusement, delectation, diversion, enjoying, entertainment, fruition, fun, gladness, gratification, gusto, happiness, hedonism, indulgence, joy, loving, luxury, pleasure, recreation, rejoicing, relaxation, relish,… … New thesaurus
enjoyment — 1550s, from ENJOY (Cf. enjoy) + MENT (Cf. ment) … Etymology dictionary
enjoyment — delight, *pleasure, joy, delectation, fruition Analogous words: delighting, rejoicing, gratifying, regaling, gladdening, pleasing (see PLEASE): *happiness, felicity, bliss, beatitude: zest, relish, gusto, *taste Antonyms: abhorrence Contrasted… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
enjoyment — [en joi′mənt, injoi′mənt] n. 1. the act or state of enjoying; specif., a) the possession, use, or benefit of something b) a pleasurable experiencing of something 2. something enjoyed 3. pleasure; gratification; joy SYN. PLEASURE … English World dictionary
enjoyment — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great, huge, real ▪ full, maximum ▪ A large income is not necessary for the full enjoyment of life. ▪ pure … Collocations dictionary
enjoyment */ — UK [ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt] / US noun Word forms enjoyment : singular enjoyment plural enjoyments 1) a) [uncountable] pleasure that you get from an activity or experience get enjoyment from something: He doesn t get any real enjoyment from dancing. Lisa ate … English dictionary
enjoyment — n. 1) to give, provide enjoyment 2) to derive enjoyment from 3) full, great enjoyment * * * [ɪn dʒɔɪmənt] great enjoyment provide enjoyment full to derive enjoyment from to give … Combinatory dictionary
enjoyment — en|joy|ment [ ın dʒɔımənt ] noun * 1. ) uncount pleasure that you get from an activity or experience: He doesn t get any real enjoyment from dancing. Lisa ate the cake with obvious enjoyment. their enjoyment of life a ) count something you enjoy… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
enjoyment — /en joy meuhnt/, n. 1. the act of enjoying. 2. the possession, use, or occupancy of anything with satisfaction or pleasure: to have the enjoyment of a large income. 3. a particular form or source of pleasure: Hunting is his greatest enjoyment. 4 … Universalium